About Idam

‘Idam’ in Sanskrit translates to ‘this’, referring to ‘this Earth’ or ‘this time’ and thus, by extension, ‘this Earth at this time’, reflecting the ethos of Idam of steadily and realistically working towards a stable and sustainable earth. The goal, as a group, is to enable a carbon-minimal world by developing and implementing sustainable solutions that can harness the power of nature for clean and efficient energy generation.

Idam consists of two complementary entities: Idam Infrastructure Advisory Pvt. Ltd. and Enfragy Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. The IT Consulting and Solutions vertical, WattGuru, develops innovative IT products and solutions under its own brand name. Idam Infrastructure Advisory Pvt. Ltd is the management consultancy arm of Idam, with four cornerstone practices: Energy Transition, Industrial Decarbonization, Electricity Market and Regulations, and Distributed Renewable Energy. 

With sustainability at the core, Idam is dedicated to effectuating climate change mitigation, energy efficiency, adoption of renewable energy, and sustainable development. Having a sound institutional memory of the operational initiatives across various sectors, Idam hopes to bring multifaceted perspectives in their work in the energy sector.

To know more, please visit https://idaminfra.com