About Eurovent Certita Certification
Eurovent Certita Certification (ECC) is recognised as a world leader in third-party product performance certification in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVAC&R) fields. The certification scheme is based on a voluntary approach and is open to all manufacturers. Certification of HVAC&R is done for products for residential, commercial and industrial applications. There are 48 certification programs and 74% of HVACR products sold in Europe are Eurovent certified.
Eurovent Certita Certification is also accredited as a certification body compliant with ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard by COFRAC (Accreditation Nb 5-5017). This accreditation is internationally recognised by the signatories of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
To know more, please visit www.eurovent-certification.com/en