Padu S. Padmanabhan

Padu S. Padmanabhan

Author and International Expert, Energy and Water Productivity

S. Padmanaban is an enthusiast, advocate, writer, designer, and planner devoted to sustainable development and energy conservation. He has been associated with the World Bank, USAID and agencies of the Govt. of India. He is the author of numerous publications and articles and has taught at the School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Energy & Env. Resources program, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC. As a senior advisor to USAID-India, he played a key role in creating AEEE as the voice of the energy efficiency community and subsequently served on the AEEE Executive Council. He is the author of the book First Fuel: India's Energy Efficiency Journey, a thoughtful and authoritative story of India's arduous journey towards energy conservation.

All Sessions by Padu S. Padmanabhan