Atul Bagai

Atul Bagai

Country Head, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) India

Shri. Atul Bagai is the Country Head for United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) India Office. UNEP is UN's leading global environmental body that sets the global environmental agenda.

After UNEP established its footprint in India in 2016, Shri. Bagai has decisively led from the front to fulfil its mandate across Climate Change; Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality; Environmental Governance; Resource Efficiency; Environment under Review; Healthy & Productive Ecosystems and Resilience to Disasters and Conflicts. Some notable work done in the last three years has been:

  • Successfully organized the biggest ever World Environment Day celebrations in 2018 with commitments to end single-use plastic in India by 2022;
  • Successfully assisted the Ministry of Finance to establish a Task Force for framing the Sustainable Public Procurement Action Plan;
  • Helped kick-start a global initiative on The Partnership for Action on Green Economy with UNEP as the lead agency in India; and
  • Laid strong foundation for partnerships with the MoEFCC, Ministry of Railways, MoHUA, MoHFW, Central Pollution Control Boards and State Governments.

Previously, as a career civil servant, Shri. Bagai rose to be the Director (Ozone) in MoEFCC, Government of India before joining UNEP in 2000. He worked on various senior positions in the State of Uttar Pradesh and the Central Government. As a UN veteran he has spent over two-decades spearheading challenging assignments in regions across South and Southeast Asia & the Pacific Islands.

All Sessions by Atul Bagai