Abhay Bakre

Abhay Bakre

Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

Abhay Bakre is the Director General of BEE. He has worked on several Railway projects, including Delhi Metro & Kolkata Metro extension projects. He has also worked as a Joint Development Commissioner in the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises and was a Nodal officer for the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme. As ED PCRA, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, he has been instrumental in developing and implementing various programs aimed at petroleum & energy conservation in industry, transport, domestic sector, etc. He has also taken up nationwide mass media campaigns through PCRA and other oil companies to generate awareness among consumers on the adoption of simple fuel-saving measures in day-to-day life. Before joining BEE, he worked as Executive Director in the newly created Environment Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. He was the nodal officer for developing INDC for the Railway sector along with a roadmap for Green House Gas reduction in Indian Railways.

All Sessions by Abhay Bakre